Friday 22 March 2013

My Evening Walk In Paris

The City Of Love

I am fortunate to be able to visit Paris quite a couple of times and I must say, after so many times, I still do love walking down the streets of this picturesque city.

The language, the architecture, the people, the cuisine, the lights still keeps me fascinated every single time I visit Paris.

Although Paris isn't the safest place on earth to be in and I am sure many of you have heard about the notorious pickpockets there, somehow, one could still be lost in the beauty of the canals and street lamps while having La Vie En Rose playing in their heads (and getting mugged at the same time.).

Champs Elysees

Where all the shopping you need is here. And of course, food and drinks as well. (Pay Laduree a visit!)
But of course, being a touristy landmark, prices tend to be higher but oh well, who wouldn't pay a little more to sit in a cafe along the road of Champ Elysees?

Aux Champs-Elysees,
Aux Champs-Elysees,
Au soleil, sous la pluie,
A midi ou Ã? minuit -
Il why a tout ce que vous voulez aux Champs-Elysees!

Along the street from one end to another, you will be able to spot the famous Arc De Triomphe as well as Obelisk Of Luxor.

If you are looking for souvenirs, uncountable souvenirs stores littered the streets of champs elysees as well as the underpass linking to Arc De Triomphe.

Arc De Triomphe

Not to be confused with Arc De Triomphe Du Carrousel that stood next to the Louvre, Arc De Triomphe is one of the most significant landmarks of Paris, apart from Eiffel Tower, of course. 

Tomb of the unknown soldier

The arc de triomphe honors those who fought and died during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars and right beneath it, lies the tomb of the unknown soldier - which represents those who were never identified. 

Notre Dame De Paris

Means our "Lady of Paris", is one of the most famous Gothic cathedrals in the world.
When you visit the cathedral in the day, you will be able to climb (by foot of course) to the top of the cathedral and you will be able to see a magnificent view of the city of Paris.

From notre dame, we walked by foot to Eiffel Tower and well, you could say we are pretty out of our minds considering that it was only 1 degree celsius and we didn't really have a map. 

So, as expected it took us 2 hours to reach by just following the searchlights shining from the top of the eiffel tower! 

The view from the top of Eiffel Tower. 

PS: More pictures will be up soon!

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